What we do

Personal Coaching

Change in career


Big changes in the world of work are calling for recalibration; in the current context, you might be tempted to rush to the next opportunity compromising what you deeply want, or you may change your job only to find that your learnt behaviours have followed you and the same pattern of job dissatisfaction emerges after the initial energy boost achieved from a change. With our career coaching, we invite you to pause, check your mindset, assess your strengths and what really matters to you, connect to your creative self and use your imagination to craft promising job strategies. 

We provide you with support, inspiration and guidance throughout the process.

Finding purpose


Purpose and meaning might sound like being luxurious accessories when tied to the imperatives of earning a living, but they are crucial to our inner stability, especially when the environment becomes unstable and threatening; they remind us of who we are and why we do what we do. Purpose doesn’t come as a short and quick answer, it is an exploration with different aspects to it: values, talent, passion, how we relate to others etc.. For example, when our values are not aligned with our goals, life feels draining and our tasks are a chore. 

Our personalized coaching will take you towards the process of search and finding of your purpose and how to integrate it into the tapestry of your life.

Making the first step


Many of us know the feeling: somewhere deep within us, something is waiting for its momentum; the time for change. It can be a project that wants to be explored, or just a bad habit which should be removed. Or maybe, it is an issue that must be addressed but it needs dedication and energy and we don’t have those resources right now, so we postpone and procrastinate. 

In coaching we talk about “unfinished business” to describe those nagging annoyances, big or small, which prevent us from discovering our true potential and enhancing our lives. In “Making the first step”, we invite you to have a conversation to explore the possibilities and create the conditions that will help you initiate your transformation.